Mahdi Esmaeili

Live and Life

Mahdi Esmaeili

Live and Life

این لحظه خیلی خوب رقم خورد ...

بهترین بیانی که میتونم باهاش شروع کنم این هست که اگر روزی من دنیا را خیلی بزرگ تصور میکردم امروز خوب میدونم که این ساخته ی ذهن من بوده و در واقع این ذهن ماست که ما رو میسازه ، پس میرسیم به همون جمله ی کلیشه ای که ذهنت را تغییر بده تا زندگی را تغییر بدی. به نظرم برای شروع خوب بود ، خودم که اینطور فکر میکنم، این را هم همین اول مسیر بگم که من کامل نیستم اما دوست دارم و تلاش میکنم که همیشه کامل تر از قبل بشم. پس اگر اینجا صحبتی میکنم ، این نه از خودپسندی و خود برتر بینی بلکه آموزه هایی هست که من از بزرگتران خودم چه در سن و چه در عقل  (منظورم همون بزرگتر هاست) یادگرفته ام و توی زندگیم تلاش میکنم استفاده کنم ، چون از تئوری به واقعیت رسیدن بسیار سخت تر هست اما امکانش وجود داره .

اینجا بخشی کوچیکی از زندگی من هست که به اشتراک میگذارم .

این لحظه واسه شروع فکر کنم خوب رقم خورد.

و اما کلام اول ، ما آدمها خیلی از خاطراتمون را خوب ذخیره میکنیم که چی بشه ؟ که مبادا لحظه ای از دستمون گذر کنه ، چه خوب و چه بد ، اما در بین این خوب و بد چه بهتر که فقط خوب ها رو داشته باشیم و بد ها رو در حد عبرت حفظ کنیم ، چون از کینه و بدی کسی به جایی نرسیده . حالا چرا این را دارم ازش صحبت میکنم ، چون خودم کسی هستم که شدیدا درگیر برخی از بدی های زندگیم شدم که در حق من و نزدیکانم رخ داده ، من که همیشه نقل زبانم بخشش و گذشت از دیگران بوده ، این گذشت را خودم که در موقعیتش قرار گرفتم خیلی سخت بود واسم ، چون اون بدیها داشتند بهترین اتفاق زندگیم را ازم میگرفتند،اما ما موفق شدیم پشت بدی رو بزنیم زمین و دماغش را به خاک بمالیم و باز اما همون بهترین قسمت زندگی موجب شد کسانی که اون رفتار را داشتند بی خیال بشم ، چون متوجه شدیم که هرچی این کینه رو توی دلم بزرگ و بزرگتر کنم درواقع خودم را پیش اونها کوچیک و ضعیف نشون دادم و این مایه خوشحالی بقیه است و رنجش بیشتر خودم ، اونها بدی کردند و ما خوبی میکنیم ...رسم زندگی ما همین هست ...با نیکان مروت با دشمنان مدارا . 

دلهاتون شاد ، زندگی هاتون رنگین 

شب بخیر


دوست داشتی میتونی به بقیه هم اینها رو بگی ...


INTRODUCTION  Taken from “Incoterms® 2010”,

INTRODUCTION  Taken from “Incoterms® 2010”, 
Main features of the Incoterms® 2010 rules
1. Two new Incoterms rules – DAT and DAP – have replaced the Incoterms 2000 rules DAF, DES, DEQ and DDU
The number of Incoterms® rules has been reduced from 13 to 11. This has been achieved by substituting two new rules that may be used irrespective of the agreed mode of transport – DAT, Delivered at Terminal, and DAP, Delivered at Place – for the Incoterms® 2000 rules DAF, DES, DEQ and DDU. Under both new rules, delivery occurs at a named destination: in DAT, at the buyer’s disposal unloaded from the arriving vehicle (as under the former DEQ rule); in DAP, likewise at the buyer’s disposal, but ready for unloading (as under the former DAF, DES and DDU rules).  The new rules make the Incoterms® 2000 rules DES and DEQ superfluous. The named terminal in DAT may well be in a port, and DAT can therefore safely be used in cases where the Incoterms® 2000 rule DEQ once was. Likewise, the arriving “vehicle” under DAP may well be a ship and the named place of destination may well be a port: consequently, DAP can safely be used in cases where the Incoterms® 2000 rule DES once was. These new rules, like their predecessors, are “delivered”, with the seller bearing all the costs (other than those related to import clearance, where applicable) and risks involved in bringing the goods to the named place of destination.
2. Classification of the 11 Incoterms® 2010 rules
The 11 Incoterms® 2010 rules are presented in two distinct classes:

The first class includes the seven Incoterms® 2010 rules that can be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and irrespective of whether one or more than one mode of transport is employed. EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP and DDP belong to this class. They can be used even when there is no maritime transport at all. It is important to remember, however, that these rules can be used in cases where a ship is used for part of the carriage. In the second class of Incoterms® 2010 rules, the point of delivery and the place to which the goods are carried to the buyer are both ports, hence the label “sea and inland waterway” rules. FAS, FOB, CFR and CIF belong to this class. Under the last three Incoterms rules, all mention of the ship’s rail as the point of delivery has been omitted in preference for the goods being delivered when they are “on board” the vessel. This more closely reflects modern commercial reality and avoids the rather dated image of the risk swinging to and fro across an imaginary perpendicular line.
3. Rules for domestic and international trade
Incoterms® rules have traditionally been used in international sale contracts where goods pass across national borders. In various areas of the world, however, trade blocs, like the European Union, have made border formalities between different countries less significant. Consequently, the subtitle of the Incoterms® 2010 rules formally recognizes that they are available for application to both international and domestic sale contracts. As a result, the Incoterms® 2010 rules clearly state in a number of places that the obligation to comply with export/import formalities exists only where applicable.  Two developments have persuaded the ICC that a movement in this direction is timely. Firstly, traders commonly use Incoterms® rules for purely domestic sale contracts. The second reason is the greater willingness in the United States to use Incoterms® rules in domestic trade rather than the former Uniform Commercial Code shipment and delivery terms.
4. Guidance Notes
Before each Incoterms® 2010 rule you will find a Guidance Note. The Guidance Notes explain the fundamentals of each Incoterms® rule, such as when it should be used, when risk passes, and how costs are allocated between seller and buyer. The Guidance Notes are not part of the actual Incoterms® 2010 rules, but are intended to help the user accurately and efficiently steer towards the appropriate Incoterms® rule for a particular transaction.
5. Electronic communication
Previous versions of Incoterms® rules have specified those documents that could be replaced by EDI messages. Articles A1/B1 of the Incoterms® 2010 rules, however, now give electronic means of communication the same effect as paper communication, as long as the parties so agree or where

customary. This formulation facilitates the evolution of new electronic procedures throughout the lifetime of the Incoterms® 2010 rules.
6. Insurance cover
The Incoterms® 2010 rules are the first version of the Incoterms® rules since the revision of the Institute Cargo Clauses and take account of alterations made to those clauses. The Incoterms® 2010 rules place information duties relating to insurance in articles A3/B3, which deal with contracts of carriage and insurance. These provisions have been moved from the more generic articles found in articles A10/B10 of the Incoterms® 2000 rules. The language in articles A3/B3 relating to insurance has also been altered with a view to clarifying the parties’ obligations in this regard.
7. Security-related clearances and information required for such clearances
There is heightened concern nowadays about security in the movement of goods, requiring verification that the goods do not pose a threat to life or property for reasons other than their inherent nature. Therefore, the Incoterms® 2010 rules have allocated obligations between the buyer and seller to obtain or to render assistance in obtaining security-related clearances, such as chain-of-custody information, in articles A2/B2 and A10/B10 of various Incoterms® rules.
8. Terminal handling charges
Under Incoterms® rules CPT, CIP, CFR, CIF, DAT, DAP, and DDP, the seller must make arrangements for the carriage of the goods to the agreed destination. While the freight is paid by the seller, it is actually paid for by the buyer as freight costs are normally included by the seller in the total selling price. The carriage costs will sometimes include the costs of handling and moving the goods within port or container terminal facilities and the carrier or terminal operator may well charge these costs to the buyer who receives the goods. In these circumstances, the buyer will want to avoid paying for the same service twice: once to the seller as part of the total selling price and once independently to the carrier or the terminal operator. The Incoterms® 2010 rules seek to avoid this happening by clearly allocating such costs in articles A6/B6 of the relevant Incoterms rules.
9. String sales
In the sale of commodities, as opposed to the sale of manufactured goods, cargo is frequently sold several times during transit “down a string”. When this happens, a seller in the middle of the string does not “ship” the goods because these have already been shipped by the first seller in the string. The seller in the middle of the string therefore performs its obligations towards its buyer not by shipping the goods, but by “procuring” goods that have been shipped. For clarification purposes, Incoterms® 2010 rules include the obligation to “procure goods shipped” as an alternative to the obligation to ship goods in the relevant Incoterms rules.

What’s Next for Business After ‘Brexit’?

Scarecrows depicting David Cameron, left, the former prime minister of Britain, and Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, are displayed during the Scarecrow Festival in Britain on July 31. Credit Darren Staples/Reuters

In the run-up to Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, the two sides of the referendum debate had diametrically opposing views of the economics. Was voting for “Brexit” casting a ballot in favor of recession, or a vote for financial freedom?

More than a month on, little is clear. Britain’s trading relationship with the European Union will probably be in limbo for years. Companies are reassessing their long-term investments in Britain. And no one is sure what will happen to the Europeans working in the country.

Here is how the “Brexit” vote has shaped business so far:

  1. Financial Ripples


    The last price of the FTSE as of Friday.

    The FTSE has gone up about 8 percent since its close price just before the referendum vote on June 24.

    The impacts of the “Brexit” vote have been felt most sharply in the markets.

    The pound has plummeted, and is now more than 10 percent lower against the dollar compared with a year ago. Mutual funds dependent on the country’s property sector have felt the strain — real estate funds run by Aviva Investors, Standard Life and M&G Investments, among others, shut their doors as panicked customers sought to withdraw their cash en masse.

    Stocks, however, have been more resilient. After falling sharply in the wake of the referendum, Britain’s benchmark share index is now comfortably above its close on June 23, the day of the vote.

  2. The New Art of the Deal


    The price of the pound in dollars, rounded as of Saturday.

    The British pound has dropped 11 percent since it was valued at $1.47 just before the vote to leave the European Union.

    The steep fall in the pound has changed merger calculations for companies around the world.

    In some cases, it has created bargains:

    But the falling currency, combined with the increased uncertainty, also cast some deals into doubt — at least briefly. Anheuser-Busch InBev had to sweeten its giant offer for a rival brewer, SABMiller, which was finally accepted. Elsewhere, Deutsche Börse management had to lower the threshold for shareholder approval to greenlight its merger with the London Stock Exchange.

    * While the pound has been about 30 percent weaker against the yen compared with a year ago, Softbank’s chief said the cheaper currency was not the driving force; the initial approach was made after the “Brexit” result.

  3. Photo
    Shoppers in London on Aug. 13. Credit Niklas Halle'N/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
    Economic Uncertainty

    The British economy appears to be feeling the pressure since the June vote.

    The Bank of England has cut rates to their lowest level in the central bank’s 322-year history and slashed its growth forecasts. Surveys indicate consumer confidence, purchasing-manager sentiment and the services sector have plummeted.

    And amid all the uncertainty, some businesses are putting off major decisions, at least until they can get more clarity. Two-thirds of companies surveyed by Credit Suisse after the referendum said they were going to either postpone or reduce their spending in Britain in the next six months. Virgin Money, a British lender, said in July that it would delay offering banking products for small businesses.

source: New York Times Magezin

In Turkey, a Syrian Child ‘Has to Work to Survive’

Until now, Turkey has spent billions of dollars caring for Syrian refugees, providing them with free medical care and the right to an education. Yet more than 400,000 children are still unable to attend school because most of the Syrian families are living outside camps, mostly in poverty, and are struggling to secure work that pays enough to cover the basic necessities of food, clothing, rent and transportation, aid groups say.

Other factors preventing children from attending school include language barriers, confusion over enrollment procedures and transportation-related issues, said Selin Unal, a spokeswoman for the United Nations refugee program in Turkey.
The Turkish government introduced work permits for Syrians in January to help stop exploitation in the labor market so that parents could earn enough to send their children to school. But only 10,300 Syrians have gained the right to work under the new regulation, according to the Ministry of Labor, mainly because Turkish employers have been reluctant to grant contracts that would require them to pay minimum wage.
Turkish officials have acknowledged the pitfalls of the labor laws and have vowed to increase the number of workplace inspections to help enforce the new regulations, which are aimed at providing higher incomes and cracking down on child labor.
Mrs. Suleiman, Ahmad’s mother, said she had not heard about the work permits and had recently had to quit her job washing dishes at a restaurant after her boss beat her when she complained that her $90 weekly pay was a month late.
Most of Ahmad’s $60 weekly wages go toward the $270 rent for the narrow room where he lives with his mother and three siblings in Istanbul’s low-income Tarlabasi neighborhood.
Six days a week, Ahmad leaves home at 8 a.m. and walks to a nearby textile factory where he spends his days buttoning shirts as sewing machines rattle in the background. He is given a 30-minute break at lunchtime and two 15-minute tea breaks with biscuits that he buys with his 80-cent daily allowance from his mother.
“I enjoy working, and I don’t get treated badly,” Ahmad said, smiling at a Kurdish colleague helping him attach tags to a rail of shirts. “I’ve got to take care of my family, and this is the only way to do that.”
But in Syria, Ahmad’s dream was to become a singer.
“I have a really good voice,” he said blushing. “I’m serious. I sing for my colleagues at work and they love it.”
Yet when asked what his ideal job would be, Ahmad dropped his smile for a second. “A savior,” he said. “I want to save everyone from poverty, because I’m poor and I don’t want anyone to go through what I’ve been through.”
To achieve that goal, Ahmad said, he knows he needs to go back to school. “It’s the only way to make more money,” he said.
The manager of the factory acknowledged that Ahmad was too young to be working and should be in school, but said he employed him not because Ahmad was cheap to hire, but because he wanted to help him.
Ahmad is the only child who works at the factory, but in the Zeytinburnu neighborhood, one of Istanbul’s textile hubs, child labor is rampant. In one workshop full of children, one 11-year old was embarrassed by my presence. Aware that his manager was watching, the boy looked away and focused on cutting fabrics and folding clothes.
Next to him was a sewing machine operator, Abdul Rahman, 15, who said he had no idea how much he was paid because his wages went directly to his family. Two Syrian brothers, Basar, 16, and Mohammed Nour, 15, swept the floor of the workshop. They came to Turkey alone from Aleppo to make money to send back to their family.
Together, they earn around $250 a month and send $200 back home. Unable to afford accommodations, they are allowed to sleep under the workshop benches at the factory, in makeshift beds made from a single blanket and fabric scraps.
Back in Tarlabasi, Ahmad’s mother has come up with a plan that will allow her to send her two younger children to school. She will marry off her 15-year-old daughter, Ayla, to a 22-year-old Kurdish man, whose family has offered to send her to school and help the family financially.
“This way at least the two youngest can also go to school, while Ahmad and I work,” she said.
When asked how she felt about getting married, Ayla looked at her painted fingernails and paused. “It hasn’t really hit me yet, but I’m not scared,” she said. “I’m happy, and I need to do this for the family.”
Mrs. Suleiman shot an anxious look at her daughter. “She doesn’t know anything yet. But what choice do we have? It’s our fate.”
Surce :  The New York Times